How Will You Show Up with Family and Friends


Most of us regularly consider how we interact with others in a professional setting, but our personal relationships often don’t get the same level of attention. As you enter this holiday season, think about how you can help people in your personal life see more of who you really are and what you bring to the relationship. Challenge yourself to be more intentional about how you Show Up with family and friends. Even though you may be secretly planning your escape, keep a positive mindset. Ask yourself these three questions:

  • How do I want others to view me?

  • What matters most to me about this relationship?

  • How can I convey these things through my behaviors, language, and actions?

By simply having more clarity and intention about how you want to Show Up, annoying behaviors may not trigger you as much as they typically do. That alone can be worth its weight in gold. As I always say, small steps can lead to big results. What one small step will you take to make sure you bring the best of yourself to people you care about during this holiday season?