Seven Important Reminders


The past few weeks have been full of introspection as I moderated two panels with senior executives and was on one myself. Through all of this I found myself offering the following advice the other day. I hope you find it valuable.

  1. Identify what you are currently tolerating in your life (negative thoughts, the wrong people, or misaligned values). Suspend any self-judgment and come up with one change you will make.

  2. Surround yourself with the right people in your personal and professional life, people who will elevate your game and give you energy.

  3. Challenge yourself to think about how you can be authentic to yourself and play “the game” in a way that works for you. Remember that you can’t win a game you won’t play.

  4. Learn from others but don't necessarily emulate them. There's no right or wrong way. Figure out what works for you.

  5. When things feel overwhelming, ask yourself how you’ve successfully dealt with similar situations in the past. Then focus on the first step you will take to move forward.

  6. Invest in yourself, particularly your health and well-being. By doing so, you will be there for those who matter most to you, have more energy and get more done in less time.

  7. Celebrate your successes. You have earned each success and deserve to celebrate. Recognizing important milestones will help you notice what you do well and put your strengths into play more powerfully.

I hope at least one of these reminders resonated with you. Choose one to focus on and identify one step that you will take before the end of this month. Remember, small steps can lead to big results.



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