definition of unstoppable
Every now and then, I have an article pour out of my head. Today is one of those days. I’m about to launch a new app, and that’s what I should be working on during my three-hour flight. Instead, I’m writing this article. I’m trusting my gut that I should be doing this instead of being productive in other ways.
I have been on an amazing journey over the past few months, really exploring how I can take things to the next level – for clients, my business and myself. And I’m about to cross my next threshold.
It fills me with excitement and fear because I realize how much it means to me. At this stage of the game, it’s all about pursuing my passion — helping people really see who they are, truly own it and bring it in a much more powerful way to achieve unprecedented results —and it’s far less about hitting any type of financial target for myself. I am ready to have an even bigger impact, to create a huge ripple effect.
At times that feels daunting. When you feel like a lot is at stake, it can make you stop dead in your tracks. So, what does it take to keep moving forward, to be unstoppable? This hasn’t been an easy question to answer (especially as someone who’s been molded by the corporate world), and the answers may surprise you because they’re not focused on tactics like time management.
Get Out Of Your Head and Into Your Body
First, get out of your head and into your body. Regular exercise has been part of my life for at least 30 years, and continues to be a great way for me to relieve stress – whether it’s being outside playing baseball and basketball with my son, hiking somewhere or working out at the gym.
But this year, I’ve tapped into another way to get out of my head and into my body – dancing.
Just cranking up a song that I love to dance to, whether it’s when no one is looking or when I’m driving my car, makes me smile and fill up with energy in less than five minutes. Yes, I often dance around like there’s no tomorrow (some of you have witnessed it – fortunately or unfortunately?). And, even better, I frequently start my day with a dance-athon in the kitchen with my son as we make breakfast. These simple moments of just being in your body fill you up with the energy you need to keep moving forward.
Get the Right Messages
Some of the most important words you need to hear will come from you – the everyday messages and stories you tell yourself. Notice what those are, write them down and replace them with more empowering ones. This takes practice, but it works.
You can also leverage the power of a song to pump you up. I recently came across a song by Sia called "Unstoppable." It has some of those key words that I need to hear when I feel stuck, and I listened to it as I wrote this article today.
Also be strategic about whom you allow in your core circle. That group affects your energy more than you realize. Over the past year, I have deliberately added more passionate, motivated people focused on making a difference and leaving a legacy. It has been so energizing. When you need that extra boost, your core circle will help keep you grounded and give you the encouragement you need in the way that you need to hear it.
Just Be
Being vs. doing?! Yes, this is one of the most powerful strategies of all so pay attention. A Type A personality like me (and most of my clients) can get so focused on charging ahead, especially when I’m focused on something I really care about. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forged ahead and then hit a roadblock. Sometimes, I simply don’t understand what’s keeping me from moving ahead. In the past, I would have tried to analyze it or just pushed even harder.
Now, I do the exact opposite. I focus far more on being more present and open, by meditating or simply taking a break. It helps slow me down and notice the lesson I should be taking from what’s happening. Every single time it helps me move forward faster, despite my fear that I’m losing precious time. Simply trust that things are happening for you, and that all you need to do is be more present to notice it.
I want to challenge you to try one of these strategies this week. You may be surprised by the results. I know I have been – and I’m achieving more than I ever imagined.