How Many of These Practices Have You Implemented?

I had an interesting conversation with someone who also frequently coaches high performing women leaders. We talked about the fact that there are several key areas that women often overlook but can lead to stronger performance regardless of gender. So, today I want to share three of the most critical levers:

  • Being strategic in how you communicate and work

  • Building visibility and credibility to ensure that others understand the value you bring and how to leverage your skills

  • Building a network of advocates to engage the power and influence of key leaders who can help you get things done

To get a sense of how you are doing in the three areas, rate yourself on each of the following practices on a scale of 1-5. (1 = I rarely do this; 5 = I consistently do this).

Strategic Focus

1. I understand and clearly communicate how my decisions support the vision, key business strategies and priorities

2. I explain my recommendations in the context of the bigger picture so that others understand the “so what” of what I’m suggesting

3. I carve out time to reflect so I can maintain my focus on what matters most and be more intentional

4. I focus on the “Right Work” - what drives the biggest business results and makes the highest and best use of my unique skills

Credibility and Visibility

1. I clearly understand what differentiates me and how that translates into value for the company (i.e., the impact of my strengths)

2. I track how I am adding value (e.g., specific results, accomplishments, impact)

3. I share my accomplishments in a way that is relevant and useful to others

Powerful Network of Advocates

1. I invest time in building relationships, not just getting my work done

2. I foster genuine relationships with individuals who have power and influence

3. I make it easy for others to help me and my team by arming them with the information they need

4. I leverage the power of my network to get access to information, resources and influence that will help me and my team deliver stronger results

Hopefully, completing this self assessment has gotten your wheels turning. You may already successfully use many of these practices. If so, think about how you can take it up a notch and put them into play even more powerfully. If not, choose just one practice to start doing more consistently from this week forward. Remember that small steps can lead to big results.


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