Getting to the Top


Two momentous promotions recently occurred. Janet Yellen was promoted from Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to the 15th Chairman of the Federal Reserve. And Mary Barra transitioned from Executive Vice President of Global Product Development, Purchasing and Supply Chain at General Motors to Chief Executive Officer of General Motors. Both promotions are a first, and realized after the women had spent 20+ years at their respective organizations. Is there a hidden nugget for you in these two events? Clearly, both women persevered and got results. But having a strong network, in addition to demonstrating results, matters just as much. Research from Catalyst shows that having sponsors, leaders with power and influence who give visibility to your strengths and push to get you opportunities, can make a huge difference.

What are you doing to build a powerful network of advocates?  When was the last time you took a hard look at your network and how you cultivate and leverage key relationships? If this is something you struggle with, you can find easy-to-implement strategies to develop and strengthen your network in my WOW! Women On the Way to Peak Performance Program℠.  Given the importance of this skill set, I have dedicated a complete module to Building a Network of Advocates –  to help you get results for the business and your career (this module is also included in WOW LiteSM).

I have no doubt that Mary and Janet developed strong networks within their companies, their industries and personal lives – and it has served them well. How do you want to put this into play for yourself this year?

Focusing on the Positives


I frequently ask my coaching clients - “What worked well for you during your ‘successful’ event?” We’ll discuss the event to determine what really worked, what was done differently and how can they consistently put those actions into play the next time. It’s a simple tactic of noticing the positives to reinforce behavior. 

I employ this tool as a parent as well. Each night, as I put my son to bed, we talk about the three good things that happened that day. I cherish these conversations, and believe this time of reflection helps him build strong skills for success.  

In fact, there is scientific evidence that daily reflection on the positives is beneficial. The Harvard Business Review recently cited a University of Florida study on this topic. A team of researchers led by Joyce E. Bono found that stress levels and physical complaints declined by roughly 15% after employees spent 10 minutes writing down three things that went well each day. Clearly, reflecting on the positives has an important effect stress and health.  

Do you focus on the positives? In my book Show Up! Step Up! Step Out!, my first chapter talks about the power of simply noticing. There is value in noticing how you show up, how others show and what it all means. I encourage you take that step a little further and notice the positives in your daily activities. Take a few minutes each night to write them down and reflect on what they mean. Then make a commitment to yourself to reinforce those positives the next day. Focusing on the positives can make a difference.    

3 Leadership Principles from Dr Pepper/Snapple Group

Recently, I had the chance to hear Marty Ellen, chief financial officer of the Dr Pepper Snapple Group, speak at a Network of Executive Women event. Ellen shared that he leads by three guiding principles and emphasizes these as a mentor.

Control Take charge of your own life and how you are showing up. Ellen said that when he delivers a speech, he pays attention to who is sitting in the front row — in other words, who is ready to engage and be seen instead of fading into the woodwork. The other aspect of control is asking for what you want. Don’t assume, for example, that your bosses will know you’re interested in a promotion. Ask for what you want.

Influence What truly makes you influential is the power of relationships, and what makes your relationships thrive is relating to others on a personal level, Ellen says. No matter how far you’ve risen in an organization, remember your journey. You were learning the ropes once, too. Showing humility and respect in how you treat others will increase your influence.

Judgment Ellen got his MBA from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, where he learned the concept of “managing your 168.” That’s the number of hours in a week. How will you invest that time based on what matters to you? How you use your 168 will vary at different times in your life, but you must always use careful judgment in how you spend those hours.

His talk gives us some valuable questions to consider: How are you taking charge of your life? How are you showing up in relationships?  Are you “managing your 168” in a way that reflects your priorities? I challenge you to identify one small step to put at least one of these principles into play this week. Remember, small steps can lead to big results.

The Gender Diversity Mindset

Every company has an embedded culture that sets the tone for acceptable behavior. Whether stated – or implied – this culture plays a critical role in either supporting or hindering efforts to advance diversity. A recent multiyear McKinsey Global Survey  investigated gender in the workplace and the ability of women to reach top management. I found the results compelling and wanted to share some key nuggets with you. Women Matter While the majority of the 230 companies surveyed had implemented at least one measure to recruit, retain, promote, and develop women, few companies have seen notable improvements as a result. The primary culprit impeding success – corporate culture. Cultural factors at work are more than twice as likely as individual factors to affect women’s confidence that they can reach top management.

What Women Want Survey results show that women’s career ambitions are just as high as their male peers, and they are ready to do what it takes to achieve their ambitions. Yet female executives are much less certain they will reach the top. Two factors seem to drive or inhibit career success: personal actions/desires/initiative, and the organizational environment in which executives work.

Moving the Needle What are the most important drivers for increasing gender diversity at the top? Survey respondents say strong CEO and top-management commitment, and a corporate culture and mind-set that supports gender-diversity objectives are required to achieve this goal. No one single tactic will deliver success. Companies need a whole ecosystem of measures – and both male and female executives to actively support the initiatives.

While you can certainly impact your company’s culture, you will see faster results by focusing on your own actions and what you can influence. In my book Show Up. Step Up. Step Out., I share a variety of practical leadership strategies that get results. Based on what’s getting in the way of your success, pick a chapter each week and focus on implementing the strategies in it. 

Working with Millennials…and Everyone Else


Millennials are all around us. These young, enthusiastic Generation-Y professionals are gaining a foothold in the workplace and the world. Born in the early 1980s, these workers have been viewed across a broad spectrum from adaptable and skilled multitaskers to lazy, entitled and unmanageable job hoppers. Media outlets touting “30 under 30” and “The Young Entrepreneurs” are feeding the stereotype. A recent study by Cornerstone OnDemand focused on three generations' views of workplace technology. The State of Workplace Productivity study shared some interesting insights…as well as misconceptions about the working preferences of younger versus older workers.

The Cornerstone study revealed that millennials prefer in-person team work and are pro-gadget, but also may be hitting their tech limit. "Gen-Y workers, whom we have largely pigeonholed as having an insatiable appetite for technology, are expressing both a desire for more human, face-to-face interaction and frustration with information and technology overload," said Jason Corsello of Cornerstone OnDemand, which released its survey in November 2013.

So how do you work with – and for – them? In my book Show Up. Step Up. Step Out., one of the chapters offer four practical strategies on creating a high performing team (among a host of other strategies to boost your effectiveness). Check it out to see if these easy-to-implement tips can help you reach your goals.

Find (and Share) Your Spark


We all know people who are truly excited about what they do. They exude energy and enthusiasm. They have a spark that may come from their work or personal lives, or both.  And it can be especially powerful when they use that spark to help others. As you go into this year, I want to encourage you to find and share your spark. My spark comes from bringing out the best in every leader I work with. One way that I use that spark to ignite change is through my work with the George W. Bush Presidential Center Women's Initiative Fellowship Program, which empowers women to catalyze change around the world.  The third year of the program kicks off on March 7, International Women’s Day.

Building on the success of the 2012 and 2013 Fellows from Egypt, this year’s group is from Tunisia. In the past two years, the Egyptian Fellows advanced their causes in big ways – starting businesses, NGO’s and nonprofits through their passion, incredible energy and spirit of collaboration. I feel so privileged to have worked with them to help them build their capabilities and confidence and forge ahead in such difficult circumstances in Egypt.

This work has also helped me notice the power of sharing your spark. As I worked with the Fellows, I saw my own spark magnify their motivation to take action and ignite sparks for others. I’m energized by the collective impact of the Program. The results are tremendous. Similarly, in my personal life, leveraging my skills and passion to advocate for positive change in the areas of income, education, and health with the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas has been rewarding. I recently testified at a hearing held by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which among other things provided an opportunity to share data about how payday lenders with exorbitant rates keep low-income people in a cycle of poverty. It was gratifying to raise the visibility of this issue to promote the implementation of fair lending practices.

Yes, my work with the Bush Center and United Way require an investment of time in a world of competing demands, but it also energizes and engages me.

So, take 10 minutes to think about what you bring to the table and look for at least one way you can use your unique skills and passions to help others. Find that spark within yourself and start turning it into something bigger, something that perhaps lights a spark within others to take action themselves. And remember, small steps can lead to big results.

Time to Bolster Your New Year’s Resolutions


How are your New Year’s resolutions going so far? If you are starting to falter a little or just need to make sure you’ve set yourself up for success, consider these simple ideas: Make it Meaningful Identify what achieving this resolution would really mean for you. What would be happening? How would you be feeling? How would others respond? Take a few minutes to write the answers to these questions. Then read your responses. When you’re losing steam, re-read them.

Break It Down If you set a big goal for 2014 that now seems overwhelming and unrealistic, think about how you can break it down into smaller chunks. Map out interim deadlines and specific actions to make it more manageable. For example, start with the parts of the goal you want to complete in the first three months of 2014.

Add Accountability Share what achieving this goal would really mean to you and report your progress on it to someone else who will motivate you when you might otherwise give up. Your accountability buddy can help you remember what’s really at stake for you and help you refocus.

Anticipate Obstacles Inevitably, something will pop up that affects your progress on your resolution. Anticipate the potential roadblocks and plan ahead for them. Identify the support you will need when you encounter them. It can be the difference between abandoning your goal or just making a slight course correction. This is one of the most-overlooked strategies, but one of the most important.

Take a few minutes to check in on your resolutions and make any adjustments. Remember that even a big goal is achievable if you set yourself up for success.

Four Practices That Work for Me


As I coach clients, I ask them lots of questions to help them perform at their best. One question we’ve been addressing lately is “What really worked for you in 2013?” Knowing what helps you be effective and leads you to success is critical. Too many times, we go from one thing to the next without pausing to note what works for us. For that reason, I took some time to answer that question myself, and I wanted to share my answers with you.

Make passion a priority One thing that worked for me in 2013 was focusing more on what I’m most passionate about. In my case, that’s giving people access to resources and tools to help them be successful. I’ve learned to focus on what has heart and meaning for me and let that be my guide.

Outsource when you can For the things that aren’t in my areas of passion, I’ve learned to get as much help as possible from other resources. This helps me shift time and attention away from less-critical areas to my priorities.

Get the right help For key areas, it’s vital to have the right team, with the right expertise, in place. This may take some trial-and-error.

Let go I still set the bar pretty high, but I’m learning how to keep the big picture in mind. Not everything will get done perfectly or in the exact way I would have wanted. But that’s OK as long as my main priorities are handled in the way they need to be. There are things that need to be knocked out of the park and things that are just nice to have. And it’s important to know the difference.

This week, I challenge you take time to consider what worked for you in 2013. Even spending just a few minutes on this exercise can be powerful. The more you learn about what works for you, the more you can put it into play.

Set the Tone for 2014 with the Right Conversations


As last year ended, I encouraged you to reflect on what you learned in 2013 and what you want to take forward and leave behind. To support your goals and set the tone for the new year, consider three potential conversations that could move the ball in the right direction:

Your boss Kick off the year with a clear idea about what’s expected of you and your priorities for the next twelve months. To avoid misdirected time and energy, clarify and confirm with your boss what success really looks like. If your boss can’t articulate it for you, define success as you see it and ask for feedback.

Your team Make the highest and best use of your time and talent while building stronger capability within your team. Talk to individual team members about potential projects that can help them expand their skills and/or expertise. Look for opportunities within existing projects, whether that involves delegating some of your own work or redefining project roles. It may free up some of your time, and give you capacity to focus on where you can add the most value.

Your support staff Leverage your support staff to keep you focused. Have a conversation to make sure they are clear about your highest priorities (e.g., specific projects, relationships, and results) so they can help you focus and manage your time more effectively.  Enlist your staff to protect time for what matters most, including appointments with yourself to reflect and follow up, and to ensure that you are accessible.

Whether it’s these topics or others, this week I challenge you to initiate at least one conversation to lay the groundwork for a successful 2014. And remember, small steps can lead to big results.

Revisit Last Year’s Three Questions


It’s that time of year again when I ask you to answer three questions to give you insight about your leadership this year and to inform your goals for next year.

  1. What did I learn about my leadership in 2013?

  2. What did I learn from other leaders?

  3. What do I want to take forward into 2014, or leave behind?

For me, this year tested my capacity and resilience in ways I didn’t expect. I dealt with a big personal loss with my father unexpectedly passing away. But this loss showed me the strength of my support network – how my friends and family can really step up – and my ability to forge ahead. I celebrated my company’s five-year anniversary, leading me to rebrand and rename it to better represent the solutions we bring to our clients and set the stage for the next five years. And I learned from and was inspired by each and every one of the talented leaders I work with at AT&T, PepsiCo, Sysco, TXU Energy, and Marathon Oil, among others. But most of all, I am reminded of the importance of truly being in the moment, as I play baseball with my son or listen wholeheartedly to the person sitting across from me. That is a gift that we can give every day to each and every person we interact with, and something I will definitely take forward into 2014.

Take a few minutes to capture your thoughts about the insight you gained about yourself, who inspired you, and the experiences you never want to have again. Then identify one small step you will take in 2014 to put this knowledge into play and keep it top of mind.

As you bring in the new year, don’t miss the opportunity to reflect about YOUR leadership and what YOU want to do in 2014.

How Will You Show Up with Family and Friends


Most of us regularly consider how we interact with others in a professional setting, but our personal relationships often don’t get the same level of attention. As you enter this holiday season, think about how you can help people in your personal life see more of who you really are and what you bring to the relationship. Challenge yourself to be more intentional about how you Show Up with family and friends. Even though you may be secretly planning your escape, keep a positive mindset. Ask yourself these three questions:

  • How do I want others to view me?

  • What matters most to me about this relationship?

  • How can I convey these things through my behaviors, language, and actions?

By simply having more clarity and intention about how you want to Show Up, annoying behaviors may not trigger you as much as they typically do. That alone can be worth its weight in gold. As I always say, small steps can lead to big results. What one small step will you take to make sure you bring the best of yourself to people you care about during this holiday season?

Re-energize for the New Year

As the year winds down, are you racing to complete your “to-do” list or struggling to find the energy to get through those last few days before a well-deserved break? Maintaining your energy and understanding the activities or situations that affect it are key to your success.  First, simply notice what energizes or drains you. Are you tolerating something or someone? Are you putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own? Are you getting enough rest?

Second, remember that your energy level naturally peaks and dips in 90-minute cycles, so plan to give yourself a quick boost in those intervals. The quality of the energizing activity matters more than the quantity of time you spend on it.  It could be as simple as taking a short walk outside, talking to someone you like, or listening to a good song. Whatever you decide, choose something that works for you.

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of energy management – intentionally balancing draining activities with energizing ones. This approach can have a huge impact and is overlooked by most, so I created an entire module on this in my WOW! Women On the Way to Peak Performance ProgramSM .  Check it out if you could use some strategies to boost your energy and productivity. It may be just what you need to start 2014 with a bang.

Don’t Let Burnout Steal Your Holiday Joy


While this is a wonderful time of year, it’s also hectic. At work, you’re scrambling to wrap up projects before everyone disappears for the holidays. Meanwhile, you’re planning family get-togethers, shopping and tackling all the other tasks that go with the season. Even if you’re usually on top of things, a busy time like the holidays or a workplace change (such as a restructuring or a new boss) might leave you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed or disengaged — all signs of burnout. Know that you’re not alone. In particular, burnout can surface as an issue for high-performing leaders, which is why I have a full module dedicated to it in my WOW! (Women On the Way to Peak Performance) ProgramSM.

The first step in bouncing back from burnout, or heading it off altogether, is self-assessment. On a scale of 1 (full fledged burnout) to 10 (ease and control), how would you rate yourself? Your answer will guide what you do next.

If you feel in control: Think about what’s helping you do that. What actions or practices are working for you right now? Take note of them, and keep doing them. By simply noticing what works, you can put it more powerfully into play.

If you feel burnout: Identify what’s causing you the most stress right now. What’s taking up most of your energy? This won’t necessarily be the most time-consuming thing on your plate, but rather the one that’s taking the most focus, attention and mental capacity. Now, think of one small step you could take to deal with this stressor – such as asking for help, saying no to something or investing your time differently. As you brainstorm, don’t forget to think about what has worked for you in the past. Look back to the last time you successfully avoided burnout despite the demands. What helped you keep a sense of control then?

This week, self-assess and identify one small step you will take to minimize or avoid burnout. And check out the WOW! Program SM to see if it might be just what you need to get started. Remember, small steps lead to big results. Take action to ensure a less stressful holiday season.

Download my GIFT to you today: Show Up. Step Up. Step Out


In honor of Read Tuesday, get a FREE Kindle version of my new book: Show Up. Step Up. Step Out. Leadership Through a New Lens endorsed by Colleen Barrett, president emeritus of Southwest Airlines

 “I think Neena hit a home run with this book, and I hope you will enjoy looking through her ‘new lens.’”

From 20+ years of corporate experience, I noticed that people do not always see the opportunities in front of them, put what they know into play, or consistently focus on what really gets results.  This book will help you do just that.

In five short minutes, I’ll show you a new way to become a better leader. Then I’ll show you another one. And another one. That’s because each chapter of my book takes less than five minutes to read.  And each chapter identifies a proven strategy to help leaders – men and women – take their business results and careers to the next level.  Focus on one chapter each week to start accelerating your performance and results.

This book will help you look through a new lens at three critical areas:

  • Show Up clarifies what you want others to understand about your leadership and where you can have the biggest impact.

  • Step Up focuses on uncovering blind spots, getting past roadblocks, and creating strategies to improve your effectiveness.

  • Step Out recognizes your power to build a strong network of support and to help others step up.

Start using this practical resource to accelerate your results and impact.

Download a copy, pay it forward by sharing this offer with others, and write a review. Remember to download the free reader if don’t have a Kindle.

Did You Get The Right Work Done This Year?

Get Right Work Done Year Calendar

Wow, this was a busy year full of change, new projects and challenges. In the midst of the flurry, did you get the right work done? We all know that 80 percent of your results come from 20 percent of your effort.  So, how well did you invest your time and energy this year? Find out by answering these three questions: * Did you focus on the top three things that would have the biggest impact on business results?

* Did you make the highest and best use of your talent and skills?

* Are the right people fully aware of your results and impact?

If you answered yes to the first two questions, congratulations! If key stakeholders and influencers also know about the value you bring, you get serious accolades because it means you didn’t just put your head down and work. You took it one step further to help others recognize – and therefore further leverage – your strengths and experience.

As you reflect on your achievements and plan for 2014, what small step will you take to invest in yourself in 2014?

If you’re ready to get results you couldn’t before, consider the WOW! Women On the Way to Peak Performance Program. It will help you stay focused on the right work, removing the barriers that get in the way, and tastefully toot your own horn so you get recognized for it. And these are just two of the six impactful leadership topics included in the Program! Check it out to see if it’s that extra boost you need.

Are You Ready to Be “On Your Way”?


Do you ever feel like you are “this far” from really achieving success in your career? Are you ready to close the gap and take it up a notch in 2014? Then consider investing in your professional development and growth with the WOW! Women On the Way to Peak Performance Program. This self-paced coaching program is designed to fit into your busy schedule and help you lead with more impact to get the results you want. We even have a facilitated version, if you’re looking for content for a leadership development program for women at your company.

The six coaching modules address these leadership challenges:

Misdirected Time & Effort

Limiting Beliefs & Fears

Risk of Burnout

Limited Network of Support

Narrow Sphere of Influence

Tastefully Tooting Your Own Horn

This proven leadership system will help you:

* Focus on what really drives results

* Gain traction on high priority goals

* Boost energy and productivity

* Increase credibility and visibility

* Build a network of powerful advocates

The WOW! Program includes six audio recordings full of rich content and valuable strategies that you can put into play immediately.   The easy-to-use workbook includes over 110 pages of practical exercises and information, and is designed to help you apply the content to your own situation.  We have even included audio transcripts to make it easy for you to reference the information most relevant to you.

As you reflect on your achievements this year – and your goals for 2014 – consider investing in yourself.

How Do You Influence Others?

As leaders, we depend on the ability to influence those around us to garner support, drive organizational changes, and execute on our day-to-day responsibilities. If you’ve been feeling less than influential lately, start by evaluating your approach. The Center for Creative Leadership identifies three tactics for influencing: Head, Heart and Hand.

  • Head – a logical appeal focused on organization and individual benefits and typically full of data and facts

  • Heart – an emotional appeal linked to something the person cares about such as individual goals and values

  • Hand – a cooperative appeal that offers collaboration, consultation, and alliances

First, identify which approach typically influences you.  Then consider which one you typically rely on to influence others.  They are often one in the same. Remember that persuasive leaders can skillfully use all three methods and select the approach most effective for the audience at hand.

By consistently matching your influence style to the individual, you will see people shift from resistance or compliance to true commitment – which can generate results with less effort.

This week, strategically consider what approach will resonate with the next person you want to influence, based on what you know about him or her. This small step can affect whether or not your message is heard or any action is taken on your behalf.

Tap Into the Power of Gratitude


Here are three simple ways to put the power of gratitude into play:

  • Express appreciation to someone who has made a difference for you this year. Research shows that the more specific your feedback, the more energy you will get from the experience.

  • Think of someone who frustrates you and write a thank you note for the ways in which he or she stretches you or reminds you of your core values. (You don’t have to send the note.)

  • Set the tone for each day by taking 5 minutes in the morning, before the mad dash begins, to simply notice the things for which you are grateful. Or if you prefer to do this before bedtime, jot down your thoughts in a gratitude journal. Over time this can be really impactful.

Don’t underestimate the power of gratitude, and remember that it’s not just reserved for Thanksgiving.


Don’t Forget What Already Works


Over the past few weeks, I’ve traveled all over the country giving presentations on a variety of leadership topics. As people in the audience asked me questions, I noticed how often they assume they must have new ideas to help them move forward – forgetting that they are sitting on a gold mine of strategies that have already served them well.  Unfortunately, we tend to forget our proven tactics once we move beyond the situation in which we put them to use.   To help you mine and apply your past experiences, take ten minutes to answer these three questions with a specific goal or challenge that is top of mind for you right now:

  1. How have you handled situations like this in the past? What worked?

  2. What have you already been doing that is working? How can you put that into play more powerfully?

  3. Who else should you reach out to for support?

  By answering these questions, you’ll discover that the solutions may be closer than you thought – and much simpler than you anticipated.


3 Strategies for Hectic Times

We all want to be more effective and efficient in our work. The way to do that isn’t pushing harder; it’s being more strategic. Here are three ideas to try.

Plan for the unplanned.

I often hear people say that they have trouble finding the time to get things done because of unexpected disruptions. If you find this is happening often, there’s typically a pattern and your first step is to notice it. How much time do you lose to these disruptions per week? As you plan each week, start factoring that time into your schedule to give yourself leeway to deal with the unexpected. Eventually, you can start working on the underlying issue – how to minimize the disruptions in the first place.

Take time to reflect.

It’s important that you have time each week to process what’s going on. You need a chance to look back at the week’s events, decide what they mean and adjust your priorities and focus accordingly. If you’re super-busy, start by blocking out even as little as 10 minutes to reflect. Initially, you don’t have to specify how you will use the time; just start by getting the time on the calendar. Over time, work toward designating the topics you will focus on during each block of time. Perhaps you need to focus on a major project that’s underway, or on how the week’s events affect your Big 3 priorities.

Reach out for help.

When things get hectic, our tendency can be to buckle down, work late and plow through. But instead of trying to get everything done yourself, think about whom you can reach out to for help. That could mean people on your team at work or even in your personal support network if you need a hand with something like child care. Remember that giving others a chance to help benefits them too. It can give them extra exposure at work or a chance to develop their skills. And it makes your relationship closer when you show trust by leaning on them.

This week, I challenge you to take a step back from your to-do list to put one or more of these strategies into play. Remember that small steps can lead to big results.